Residential Electrical Contractor in Culver City Know How to Save on Electrical Bills!

Many new homeowners are often caught off guard when they receive their first electricity bills. Then they understand why dad was always so uptight about switching off the lights when you exit a room. Electricity can become expensive, especially when you don’t pay attention to your usage. However, there are a couple of tips that you can follow that will drastically cut your electricity bill without making you feel that you have to have dinner by candlelight…every night. Our experts Electrical Contractors in Culver City might be professional installers of electricity, but that makes them the perfect candidates to dish out some advice.

Tinker with the thermostat

Climate control is the best thing since sliced bread, but you should ask yourself why you need the system to be active when no one is there. Programming your thermostat is as easy as reading the manual. These devices are designed for custom use and you can end up saving quite a lot of money by customizing your times.

No one is going to complain about the heat when no one is home. Therefore, program your thermostat to be off while you are at work and if you are afraid of stepping into a warm house, set it so that the house starts to cool down a couple of minutes before you get home.

electrical contractor in culver city

Unplug your stuff

Although you might think that your appliances don’t actually use electricity when they are not in use, think again. Small appliances like your laptop and cell phone chargers and other small gadgets still use power when they are plugged into the wall socket.

They constantly generate heat and suck the power out of your sockets so to speak. It has been recorded that the average electricity usage in a home for plugged-in appliances that are not in use can account for up to 10% of the monthly bill. That is wasted money and takes no effort to rectify.

Modern machines

Washing machines use a surprisingly high amount of electricity, but it can be cut drastically with modern machines. If you want to save on your washing, opt for cold washes. In doing so, you could end up saving anything between $100 -$150 a year.

You can save even more if you use your machine’s eco settings to wash your loads. Generally, these cycles take more time to complete. However, they don’t use as much electricity. All you need to do is to plan your schedule.

Energy saving light bulbs

Technology has come a far way and the light bulb that Edison invented all those years ago has changed quite a bit. Nowadays, you can replace your lights with energy efficient LED lights. They produce more light, last longer and use much less electricity.

There are many other things that you can also do, some of which will need an expert electrical contractor in Culver City. If you want to save more money on electricity visit give us a call at (323) 922-5205 or (818) 999-4190 for some free advice and excellent service.