Check Your Home’s Electrical Health with a Residential Electrician in Granada Hills

As a homeowner, you know how important it is to get routine checks of integral parts of the inner workings of your home. You have your furnace or HVAC system maintained yearly, get your hot water heater checked, have the roof checked and the chimney cleaned and inspected and so on, all with the intent of keeping your home at its best. While you are doing these things, you may want to give some consideration to the electrical health of your home. The electricity in your home is an area you may have neglected or overlooked over the years. It is a good idea to check your home’s electrical health with the help of a residential electrician in Granada Hills.

Checking Residential Wiring

A residential electrician can come to your home to perform a maintenance check and evaluation of the wiring in your home to make sure it is safe and up to code. Many older homes, where wiring may be twenty-five years old or older, may have insufficient or faulty wiring that can cause potential problems for you and your family. You may experience things like periodic losses of power, shorts in lighting and equipment, or blown circuits. Your electrician can check the wiring for you and let you know what needs to be done to make it current so you can avoid hazardous conditions.


a Residential Electrician in Granada Hills

An Electrician and Your Appliances

Part of what a residential electrician in Granada Hills can do for you is to check your appliances and make sure your home can handle the electrical load required by the appliances. Much of the new technology and appliances sold today may have greater requirements for your electrical work, straining what you may have in your home already. An electrician can advise you of any problem areas and provide you with solutions to help you.

A Residential Electrician in Granada Hills to Evaluate Your Home

If you would like an evaluation of your home’s electrical health by a residential electrician in the Granada Hills area, please give us a call here at Hoffer Electric. We have a team of expert electricians ready to assist you, and we will be glad to check the electricity in your home to make you aware of any problem areas or places where you can improve your efficiency. To schedule a service call, all you need to do is phone our office at 310-321-4996, and we will be glad to set up a date and a time to meet with you.