Find a 24-Hour Electrician in Los Angeles to Save the Day

Where is an experienced, licensed 24-hour electrician in Los Angeles when you really need one? This is a question some people may ask when they have an electrical emergency on their hands after hours. One reason why you may need a 24-hour service is when you’re having problems with your electric service panel.

The electric service panel

In every home, a metal box is situated in some unobtrusive area to distribute power throughout the home. Inside this box are circuit breakers or fuses which prevent the wiring from becoming overloaded. Most homes have circuit breakers but some of the older homes still have fuses. The metal box is called the electric service panel, fuse box or circuit breaker box.
Electrician in Los Angeles

In the event of an emergency, such as a roof leaking, the main electrical breaker must be shut off. Every resident of the home should know where this breaker is located and how to shut it off.

Circuit breakers and fuses

If someone uses appliances that require too much power for your wiring to handle, the circuit breaker trips and cuts the power to the wires. This may prevent electronics and other appliances from damage.

The service panel usually contains two types of circuit breaker poles. The single poles are 120 volts and are meant for standard lights and outlets. The double poles are 240 volts and are meant for the heavy users, such as the HVAC and water heater.

When the circuit breaker trips, you can reset the lever to the ON position. With a fuse, the metal filament inside the fuse burns through and you have to replace it with a new one.

A short circuit is a more serious reason for a breaker tripping. It may be due to a wiring problem with an appliance plugged into an outlet along the circuit. A ground fault is another reason why a circuit breaker trips.

If you’re having problems and you don’t know what to do, a certified electrician in Los Angeles will make sure you’re never left in the dark.

Changing electrical needs with a 24-Hour electrician in Los Angeles

Electrical needs within homes have changed as technology improves and homeowners become more tech-savvy. Over time you may find that your family needs outstrip the capacity of your current breaker box capacity.

If you find that your circuit breakers are tripping frequently, you need to find out why to avoid it happening again. In rare cases, the breaker may be damaged and need replacing. Repeated tripping could be a sign that you’re making too many demands on the circuit. It could indicate that your home has too few circuits and that you are in need of a service upgrade.

If you live in the Los Angeles area and you need immediate electrical assistance, you are able to get help 24 hours a day from an expert who will be able to fix the problem quickly and efficiently. Hoffer Electrical has been working within the greater Los Angeles area for over 40 years. Call us at (323) 922-5205 or (818) 999-4190 and we’ll assist you with any electrical emergency.

A Commercial Electrician in Tarzana to Help You

Running a business can be tough enough for you today but when you are having problems with your electrical work it can make things much worse for you. Whether you are just looking into opening a new location or have been in the same place for years there can be problems that come up involving wiring and circuitry that can cause havoc for your business, even to the point where you may not be able to get any work done. If you are having trouble with any type of electrical work at your place of business then it is time for you to call a commercial electrician in Tarzana to help you out.

Help with All Types of Electrical Services

An electrician that has experience in working on commercial projects is going to be able to assist you with all types of issues today. Today’s electrician can do much more than simply handle re-wiring work or tracing an electrical issue for you so that everything works well. With all of the advances that have been made in technology, electricians can have greater requirements of them today. They can assist you when you are looking to install new outdoor lighting systems for your parking area or building. Perhaps you are in need of security cameras installed or a new security system set up. It could be that you need proper wiring to help you with a new telephone system or wiring for your computers. Whatever the issues may be, the right electrician will be able to help you.

Go with Experience

A Commercial Electrician in Tarzana to Help You

If you want a commercial electrician in Tarzana to help with your business, you will find a number of them in your area that you can contact. Look for an electrician that has extensive experience in doing the type of work that you need done so you can be sure they have the in-depth the knowledge you want to get the job done well. Always choose an electrician that is properly licensed and insured for a commercial job so you know it is someone you can trust.

Get the Job Done Right

To get the quality work you are seeking from a commercial electrician in Tarzana you want to make an appointment with Hoffer Electric by calling 310-321-4996. Hoffer Electric has been serving businesses in the area for almost fifty years and can assist you with all of the electrical work needs you may have for your location.

Get an Electrician in Woodland Hills That is Qualified for the Job

If you know that areas of your home are having trouble with electricity, putting off getting needed repairs done can be a mistake. Allowing potential electrical problems to continue to exist can be dangerous and hazardous to you, your family, and your home. Making a mistake in who you hire to help you with your electrical can be just as hazardous to you. It is important that you get an electrician in Woodland Hills that is properly qualified for the job, so you get good, safe work performed in your home.

Choose a Licensed Electrician

While there may be workers out there today that tell you they can perform electrical repairs and troubleshooting for you, hiring someone that is not properly licensed to do the work for you is not worth the trouble it can cause for you. Someone that is not very familiar with electrical work, the technology involved, or what the proper codes are for you for your home may not perform work properly for you, leaving you in a dangerous position. Make sure anyone you hire has the correct license to do electrical work.

an Electrician in Woodland Hills

Experience of Your Chosen  Electrician in Woodland Hills

The experience of the electrician in Woodland Hills you hire matters, even if you think it is just for a small job in your home. What might seem like a simple issue to you may actually be more complex, and if the person performing the work for you does not have experience with a problem like yours they may not know the best way to diagnose what is wrong or how to fix the problem properly. Look at the experience of anyone you hire, so you feel secure that they know what to do with any electrical issue.

A Qualified Electrician to Solve your Problems

To make sure you get a qualified, licensed and experienced electrician in Woodland Hills to help you with your home, call us here at Hoffer Electric. Since 1967 we have been serving customers in the area, and all our electricians are licensed, experienced, and well trained, so you are sure to get the best assistance possible. You can phone our office at (323) 922-5205 to make an appointment with us, and we will gladly come out to your home and make sure your electrical issues get addressed the right way.

Find A 24 Hour Electrician in Encino to Fix Electrical Outlets

It’s almost inevitable not to need an electrician. Whether you’re doing house repairs, improving existing appliances or just fixing the damage from an electric accident, you need a handy electrician to get to the finish line. Finding a 24 hour electrician in Encino that’s also an expert and still affordable will need a lot of work. You should never fix damaged electrical appliances and other electrical devices on your own. We have a few reasons why.

Why shouldn’t fix broken electrical outlets in your home yourself

It’s tempting to grab a spanner and a couple of wires to try and fix that gaping wall socket your child broke while skateboarding, or to try and add a new breaker on your own. But it’s not advisable.

24 hour Electrician in Encino

There are some activities, such as instilling a light bulb or fixing simple wires that an electrician might let you do. The rest are out of bounds because;

You can cause more damage to your house than you imagined

Fixing an electrical outlet on your own might appear simple, but you can cause a lot more destruction than you expect.

A simple, quick fix can lead to a sudden spark that burns a whole wall or that destroys the house’s complete electrical set up even further. Meanwhile, getting an electrician in Encino to help you fix your electrical problem would have been safer and cheaper.

You can shock yourself

There is no knowing when it can happen, but getting shocked while handling electrical devices is common. Electric shocks range from mild to fatal, but the middle ground is very thin. If even the most experienced DIY-ers are prone to electric shocks, so are you. Get an experienced electrician in Encino to fix your electrical outlets instead.

You can start a fire…and lower your home’s value while increasing the renovation costs

There’s nothing easier than starting a fire in a house. The number of house fires caused by electricity and electrical devices only continues to grow every year, which means that many people die and lots of property is destroyed every year from house fires.

Playing around with your electrical sockets under the guise of fixing them yourself is one sure way to start a fire and lower your house’s market value, or just spend thousands of dollars refurbishing it after.

If you’re looking for a good 24 hour electrician in Encino to fix your electrical outlets for you, you’re in the right place.

We at Hoffer Electric have been fixing electrical outlets for all kinds of residential, commercial and industrial properties all over Encino for over 50 years, and we have seen the worst of everything so you can trust us. Also, our quotes are always free, no questions asked. Call us today at (323) 922 5205 or (818) 999 4190 to talk directly to one of our electricians in Encino and get your free quote.