Improve Productivity in the Office with Quality Commercial Electrician in Santa Monica

Whether you have a large office with dozens of employees or just a small place where there are a handful of people each day, you still want to create the best atmosphere for your employees. A comfortable atmosphere will help everyone feel good about coming to work each day, and it will help people work to their best potential each day. There can be many factors that affect the productivity of your workers, and one way you can help improve the atmosphere around the office is to turn to a quality commercial electrician in Santa Monica for help.

An Electrician for Lighting Recommendations

The lighting you have in your office can have an impact on the productivity of your employees. If employees are struggling to see what they are doing during the workday, you may find that they have trouble getting everything done that you may need to be accomplished on a given day. Bringing in a commercial electrician to help evaluate the lighting you have and to provide you with recommendations can help you get better lighting into your office. With better lighting, there will be less eye strain, fewer headaches, and people can work better.

quality commercial electrician in santa monica

Better Wiring from a Quality Commercial Electrician in Santa Monica

A quality Commercial electrician in Santa Monica can also help your office by supplying you with better wiring for your computers and phone systems. If you have constant problems with Internet connections or have a phone system that is overtaxed or regularly drops calls, these factors will influence how effective your workers can be for you. Getting new wiring can vastly improve productivity, allowing your systems to stay functioning at their best all the time. Not only you will have a more reliable system, but you will also notice that your productivity increases thanks to these improvements in your wiring.

The Commercial Electrician to Call If Living In Santa Monica

If you would like a commercial electrician in Santa Monica to come into your office, perform an evaluation, and provide recommendations to you regarding improvements, give us a call here at Hoffer Electric. We are commercial electricity experts and can provide you with the guidance and work you need to help improve productivity and comfort in your office. Call our office today at (323) 922-5205 to make an appointment with us so we can help you solve your productivity issues.

A Local Electrical Contractor in Granada Hills To Make Your Home a Safer Place for Kids

There is no doubt that as you grew up, you got a couple of electrical shocks along the way. Most of which could have been avoided if needed safety precautions were taken. We have come a long way and there are certainly many tools at your disposal to make your home safer for your kids, but not everything you see in the shops actually works. Don’t worry though, there is a professional electrical contractor in Granada Hills that has the know-how to make your house as kids safe as possible, especially when it comes to your electrical system.

Know your kids

As any parent will be able to tell you, kids are smart and they will often do things that you never thought were possible in a million years. The pendulum swings both ways in terms of whether their actions are good or bad. However, more often than not, their inquisitive nature will get the better of them and land them in situations that are potentially hazardous.

It is, therefore, your job as a parent to be proactive and minimize the threats. I am not saying that you should save your children form themselves and keep them away from everything, but there are things that are more dangerous than others and electricity is one of them.

electrical contractor in granada hills

Safety sockets

The first thing you should invest in is safety sockets that cover the holes of the plugs that aren’t in use. Children love to explore and a small hole that a finger can fit into is just too enticing. Safety sockets are difficult to remove, even for adults, but that is exactly what you need.


Children are extremely perceptive and will mimic your every move when you are not around. As a parent, you are your child’s main source of information and they will expect that the things that you do are normal. So when you have bad or hazardous electrical habits, they will do the same.

Therefore, you should never overload your sockets with too many appliances. Firstly, it is a hazard in itself and can only steer to more problems. What’s more is that your kids will try and replicate what you do because they think it is safe to do so.

The old sockets

There are still some old school guys around that can’t go without their shaver sockets. If you have them installed, make sure that they are in a non-splash zone and that you are just about the only one who can reach them.

Lastly, when you have a cracked socket that exposes the live wires of your house, you should have it replaced as soon as possible. It doesn’t only pose a risk for your children, but your entire family. Things can get out of hand in a matter of moments if you don’t treat it as a priority to get fixed.

Lastly, if you have any other queries or need further advice from an electrical contractor in Granada Hills. Email us at or give us a call at (323) 922-5205 or (818) 999-4190. Our experts will be more than happy to help you out.

Installing Hot Tubs with LED Lights

Electrician Los Angeles

If you’re lucky enough to own a hot tub in your LA home, there’s no doubt you want to better your experience when using it. One way to ensure that you enjoy every session in your hot tub, you might want to consider installing LED lights. But you can’t just install them on your own. Even though you have the ideal lights for your tub, you still need to hire an electrician in Los Angeles to place them for you. 

Electrician in Los Angeles to Install Waterproof LED Lights 

LED lights will sit within the water. They will illuminate from below. But you can also pick general waterproof lighting that you can install around the tub. The lights remain resistant to water spills and splashes. Hoffer Electric has a team of electricians to help you pick the right LED for your hot tubs and install them properly. 

Electrician Los Angeles

Should You Install the Hot Tub Indoors or Outdoors? 

You can install it either way. However, if you’re going to install it outside your house, make sure that the hot tub is designed for exterior use. Choosing to install it indoors will give you the privacy that you want while using it. This setup lets you enjoy the relaxing features of the tub without worrying about the weather conditions. Thus, even if it’s raining outside, you can still use the tub and have a relaxing day or night while sipping a margarita. 

However, when you install a hot tub with LED lights indoors, you should know that it needs additional support. You should consider the extreme weight of the tub, especially if you’re installing it on the second floor of your house. Furthermore, a hot tub creates a humid environment. Thus, make sure that you install proper ventilation in the room. A dehumidifier can help. And if you opt for a permanent indoor hot tub, you need to make construction modifications to your home. You don’t need to worry about it if you hire a professional electrician. 

Outdoor Hot Tub

On the other hand, if you choose to install it outdoor, make sure that you install proper lighting in the area. It can be the centerpiece of your backyard. With the right lighting, it can accentuate your investment. Besides adding LED lights in your hot tub, you also need to install proper lights in your walkway. The lights will enhance your safety as you walk to and from your hot tub, especially at night. Even though there are lights in the hot tub, they may not be enough to illuminate the walkway. The good thing is that there are energy-efficient LED lights that you can use to create a cohesive design. 

Perfect Design for Your Hot Tubs

When you consult our electricians, they can provide you with a perfect design that can add proper lighting to your backyard and the hot tub. Contact our electrician in Los Angeles today to know more about the lighting options for your hot tub: (323) 329-6064.

A Commercial Electrician in Westwood Can Serve Many Businesses

Whether you own a small business with a simple office or storefront, or you have a large business like an entire office building or warehouse, there are going to be times where you have problems with your electrical work or need upgrades or improvements. It is a natural part of doing business, and you are going to want to find an electrical service that can work with you. Choosing an electrician that does commercial work will take some investigating on your part, but you will find that when you need a commercial electrician in Westwood, here at Hoffer Electric, we can serve any type of business and meet your needs.

Helping the Commercial Business

There can be all kinds of reasons why you may need the help of a commercial electrician for your small business. It may be that you are having trouble with your existing wiring or electricity and have constant problems that need troubleshooting. Perhaps you want to have new lighting installed at your retail establishment to better serve your customers. It could be you need new security lighting installed outside or new phone or computer wiring. At Hoffer Electric, we can assist you with all these issues.

A Commercial Electrician in Westwood

An Electrician for Industrial Work

At Hoffer Electric, we can be the commercial electrician in Westwood that you need for your industrial business or location. Finding a qualified service to work in large buildings or areas can be tricky. You want a service with experience handling high voltage systems or help you with your warehouse lighting or machine shop. We have vast experience working on jobs involving large industrial areas. Our experts can help you repair or install the electrical work.

Contact a Commercial Electrician in Westwood

If the time has come that you need a commercial electrician in Westwood to help your business, make sure to call us here at Hoffer Electric. For over fifty years we have served the businesses of the Los Angeles area. We will be happy to come in and work with you. You can call us at (323) 922-5205. We will gladly arrange a service call with you and provide you with a free estimate of the work needed so you can see we can do the job for you at a very fair price. The complete satisfaction of our clients is our main goal and we work hard to achieve this.

Find a 24-Hour Electrician in Los Angeles to Save the Day

Where is an experienced, licensed 24-hour electrician in Los Angeles when you really need one? This is a question some people may ask when they have an electrical emergency on their hands after hours. One reason why you may need a 24-hour service is when you’re having problems with your electric service panel.

The electric service panel

In every home, a metal box is situated in some unobtrusive area to distribute power throughout the home. Inside this box are circuit breakers or fuses which prevent the wiring from becoming overloaded. Most homes have circuit breakers but some of the older homes still have fuses. The metal box is called the electric service panel, fuse box or circuit breaker box.
Electrician in Los Angeles

In the event of an emergency, such as a roof leaking, the main electrical breaker must be shut off. Every resident of the home should know where this breaker is located and how to shut it off.

Circuit breakers and fuses

If someone uses appliances that require too much power for your wiring to handle, the circuit breaker trips and cuts the power to the wires. This may prevent electronics and other appliances from damage.

The service panel usually contains two types of circuit breaker poles. The single poles are 120 volts and are meant for standard lights and outlets. The double poles are 240 volts and are meant for the heavy users, such as the HVAC and water heater.

When the circuit breaker trips, you can reset the lever to the ON position. With a fuse, the metal filament inside the fuse burns through and you have to replace it with a new one.

A short circuit is a more serious reason for a breaker tripping. It may be due to a wiring problem with an appliance plugged into an outlet along the circuit. A ground fault is another reason why a circuit breaker trips.

If you’re having problems and you don’t know what to do, a certified electrician in Los Angeles will make sure you’re never left in the dark.

Changing electrical needs with a 24-Hour electrician in Los Angeles

Electrical needs within homes have changed as technology improves and homeowners become more tech-savvy. Over time you may find that your family needs outstrip the capacity of your current breaker box capacity.

If you find that your circuit breakers are tripping frequently, you need to find out why to avoid it happening again. In rare cases, the breaker may be damaged and need replacing. Repeated tripping could be a sign that you’re making too many demands on the circuit. It could indicate that your home has too few circuits and that you are in need of a service upgrade.

If you live in the Los Angeles area and you need immediate electrical assistance, you are able to get help 24 hours a day from an expert who will be able to fix the problem quickly and efficiently. Hoffer Electrical has been working within the greater Los Angeles area for over 40 years. Call us at (323) 922-5205 or (818) 999-4190 and we’ll assist you with any electrical emergency.

The Most Common Reasons to Call a 24-Hour Electrician in Los Angeles

24-Hour Electrician in Los Angeles

Unfortunately, accidents happen. Also, anything can just simply wear out because of long use. It is the same for your electrical system as any other of the conveniences that you rely on every day. The problem with electrical issues, if you don’t see to them at once they have the potential to be devastating. Fires and electrocution are the main dangers. Smoke inhalation for one can seriously damage your health. Damage done to your home and household goods by dousing flames is another. Because we at Hofer Electric don’t want things to get that far in your house, we would like to remind you of the circumstances in which you should call a 24-hour electrician in Los Angeles.

Power outages

If your lights suddenly go dark, you definitely have a problem with your electrical supply. First, check with your neighbors. If they have lights, then the problem is with your house. If nobody in the area has lights, it’s your power company’s problem.

24-Hour Electrician in Los Angeles

Flickering lights

At some time your lights may flicker. This can be due to power surges or reduction of the supply. If your lights flicker on a frequent basis and your appliances keep cutting out, then you may have a short circuit, or it could be that your old wiring system just isn’t up to the job anymore.

Circuit breakers

When circuit breakers continually trip and fuses blow that’s a sure sign that you need an emergency electrician. This can be because of old and faulty wiring or an overloaded system. These should be replaced as soon as possible.

Sparks from outlets or switches

Sparks from your sockets when you plug something in or every time you flick a light switch means that you have a short circuit in your electrical system. This can only get worse if you leave it. It can lead to greater problems.

Insects you can’t see

Buzzing sounds, like an insect you can’t find, indicate that your wiring system can’t cope with the use you are putting it to. This is usually because of old wiring that hasn’t been updated or renewed. If this isn’t seen to there is the hazard of fires.

Bad smells

The smell of burning when using your electrical system shouldn’t be ignored. It is the smell of the plastic or rubber insulation covering the wires melting. If this is happening, the wires can burst into flames at any time. This requires a rewiring job for your safety.

Electric shocks

Any time you feel a mild electric shock when you touch a light switch or even an appliance means that you need to call an electrician immediately. The next shock may not be so mild and could be fatal.

Be safe, not sorry

Because we have been in the business for more than 40 years, we at Hoffer Electric can assure you that the reasons above should not be ignored. If you are having any of these problems don’t hesitate to call a 24-hour electrician in Los Angeles. You can easily contact us through our website.

When You Need an Expert Residential Electrician in Calabasas

Electricity in the home is something you never think much about until you start to have a problem. It might all start with a flickering light or a fuse that gets blown every time you run the coffeemaker for you take notice that there may be a problem. What happens with many homeowners is that they do not know what situations warrant calling for an expert to help them with the problem. The truth is that any time you think there is something wrong with your electricity, you are better off calling a professional for assistance. Knowing when to call an expert residential electrician in Calabasas can help you take care of problems quickly and catch potentially dangerous problems before they can manifest.

When You Need an Expert Residential Electrician in Calabasas

Addressing Residential Problems

The typical electrical problems that arise in a home like flickering lights or blown fuses are issues you do not want to ignore or try to fix on your own. Electricity can be dangerous to work with if you are unfamiliar with the proper working of circuits and electricity, and you can run the risk of harming yourself or others if you try to fix things yourself. A professional electrician can come to your home and will know how to address the problems you are experiencing, performing proper testing and diagnosis to figure out the problem and how to troubleshoot it.

An Electrician to Stop Issues Fast

A residential electrician in Calabasas is who you need to call when you are having electrical issues. Very often addressing small issues you are having right away can help you avoid bigger problems down the road that are dangerous and more expensive to repair. Getting an expert in to replace wiring, circuits, fuses, and outlets can help to make your home much safer and eliminate those nagging problems you have been having in your home.

Contact an Electrician Right Away

It is much safer for you to contact an expert residential electrician in Calabasas to help you, and here at Hoffer Electric, we can be just the service you need. Our extensive experience over the last fifty years helping homeowners like yourself gives us the insight and knowledge you want doing work for you. Contact us at (323) 922-5205 to set up a service call so one of our electricians can help get your electricity working as it should.

Professional Wiring by an Electrician in Culver City

Most people are tempted to make electrical repairs for their home. However, this can have severe repercussions on you and your home. While some minor home repairs can be done by yourself, including fixing a leaky faucet, electrical maintenance should be done by a professional electrician in Culver City. Here are the reasons why you need a professional electrician for residential and commercial electrician services in Los Angeles.

Better efficiency

The wiring in your home needs to be assessed to ensure that there is better energy efficiency. Most homes in Los Angeles require such services, so an excellent wiring will ensure that your home is safe.
Electrician in Culver City
Some houses have older wiring, which poses a danger to the safety of those living in the homes. You can check the wiring in your house by doing the following:

  • Turn off the electrical devices and appliances in your home.
  • You should check for bad fuses and broken circuit.
  • List down all the electrical issues.
  • Look out for warning signs, including smoldering wires.

Peace of mind

There is nothing as bad as electrical problems that can disturb your peace of mind. Electrical issues have to be fixed by professional electrical contractors. That way ensuring that it has en extended lifetime and prevent the problems from arising in the near future.

The best thing for having expert services is the fact that the work has a guarantee. Meaning that any recurrence of the problem, they will fix it for free of charge.

It’s also important to prevent electrical problems in your home or business premises because of the risks of fire outbreak. So, a professional electrician will ensure that you and the family are safe.

Only someone with the right skills, safety training, and tools, should handle electricity issues. If you are working on the electricity on your own, the repair work might be wrong, leading to long-term safety problems such as electrical shocks.

Due diligence

There are many electricians on the market, but few are qualified to do most of the work. Professional electricians spend a lot of time going through education. Gaining experience. And they get a certification prior to earning their license.

Although the certification is an assurance that they can perform any electrical work to a certain standard, wait. But they also get a certification before they get a license. Other benefits of hiring a qualified and experienced electrician include:

  1. Electricity is something that cannot be taken lightly. And handling it should only be done by professionals. It reduces the risks of getting injuries and fire in your home or business.
  2. Using the services of professional electrician saves you money in the long run. Additionally, doing electrical work yourself might result in mistakes. As a consequence, leading to incidences of fire, which can damage your property.
  3. A professional electrician will work more efficiently by diagnosing the electrical problems and deal with them accordingly.

Contact Us

Do you have an electrical issue? Hire Hoffer Electric for electrical installations in Los Angeles! With 40 years of experience. We are organized, and we offer a wide range of electrical services.

Contact us by calling at 323-922-5205 for electrical wiring for industrial facilities in the LA area.

An Electrician in Los Angeles you Can Trust

Electrician in Los Angeles

Have you been looking for an electrician in Los Angeles but haven’t been all that impressed by what you’ve found? Does it seem like every electrician is the same? We know that when it comes to your electricity, you can’t afford to cut corners or settle for anything less than the best. Dale Hoffer, the master electrician in Los Angeles, has been helping folks just like you to get the most out of their electricity for decades. Now, he can do the same for you, no matter what your needs may be.

Residential Electrical Services

You and your family will spend most of your time in your home. So, your electricity must work as it should. To that extent, our troubleshooting services can, quite literally, keep the lights on. Indeed, we can help you to make it so that you don’t have to pay as much for your electricity for owning your home. How can we help with that? By making sure that you’re taking advantage of all of the latest and greatest advancements. For example, upgrading your panels, putting in new breakers, circuits, and more, can help with your electricity today as well as in the long run.

Electrician in Los Angeles

Electrician for Your Business

In addition to helping homes, Hoffer Electric has many commercial clients, too. Throughout the entire process of the construction of your commercial building, our electrician can make certain that you’re getting everything out of your electricity and then some. To that end, we can help with new construction and remodeling as well as with retail electrical repairs, too. From phone and computer writing to lighting systems to even pool and spa wiring, we can help you to make your commercial establishment everything you want it to be.

Heavy-Duty Electrician Services for Heavy Duty Industry

For decades, we’ve helped some in the hardest industrial environments to have electricity that doesn’t fail them when they need it. For example, we’ve assisted with high voltage system installation, as well as control and automation equipment. From airport hangers to machine stops, cabinet shops to metal buildings, we’ve provided the kind of explosion-proof electrical equipment that dangerous, extreme environments demand. Moreover, we do this in such a way that you won’t need maintenance for a long while. We see it as one more way to help our clients.

Our Electrician in Los Angeles Can Help Right Now

You may not need explosion-proof electrical equipment in your home, but you might need help with yard lighting, bath remodeling, and something of that nature. If you’re looking for electrical services for new homes and additions, we can help there as well. We know that when it comes to electricity in the Southern California area, you don’t exactly lack options. That’s just one of the reasons why we do everything we can to stand out from the rest. You can get a free estimate at our site, or call us at (323) 329-6064.

Finding a Good Commercial Electrician in West Hills for Your Business

Whether you are just starting out with a new business or you have been at your current location for several years, you know that as a business owner your storefront, restaurant, or office needs to be a place where customers and clients feel welcome. This means you need to keep up with the everything about the atmosphere and be able to do your job well. Your electricity is an integral part of all this, and when things start to go wrong, it can have a negative effect on your business. Finding a good commercial electrician in West Hills for your business is crucial to you so you can keep business moving and have your place at its best.

Finding a Good Commercial Electrician in West Hills for Your Business

Always Check the License of an Electrician

You never want to hire anyone to do electrical work for you that is not properly licensed by the state to do the work. An unlicensed person can leave you at risk of having faulty electrical work done that can be a hazard to your business, property, employees, and customers. You may end up with electrical workings that are not up to code, putting you at risk if an accident occurs and putting you in violation of the law. Always check for a license number when searching for an electrician and shy away from anyone reluctant to provide it to you.

Go with a Recommended Electrician

An excellent way to find a commercial electrician in West Hills is to go with a service that is recommended by other business owners in the area. Talk to local business owners like yourself and see who they have used for their electrical work. You will find that a service that gets mentioned frequently and with high regard is one that you want to contact and bring in to help you out when you need work done.

A Commercial Electrician to Help You

At Hoffer Electric, we can be the commercial electrician in West Hills that can assist you with all your electrical needs. We have worked with thousands of residential and commercial customers in the area over the years and have the experience you want on your side to make sure your electrical workings are at their best. Give us a call at (323) 922-5205 to schedule a service call with us so we can see what work you need to be done and give you a free estimate so you can see how affordable our services can be for you.