The Dangers of Neglecting Electrical Inspections

Neglecting regular electrical inspections can lead to a range of serious hazards that compromise the safety and functionality of your home or business. At Hoffer Electric, we prioritize your safety and well-being by offering thorough and professional electrical inspections in Los Angeles. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significant risks associated with neglecting electrical inspections and why it’s crucial to have your wiring checked by experts.

Electrical Fires

One of the most significant dangers of neglected electrical wiring is the increased risk of electrical fires. Faulty wiring is a leading cause of house fires, and these fires can have devastating consequences, including loss of property, injuries, and even fatalities. Electrical fires often start unnoticed, behind walls or in ceilings, where faulty or damaged wiring heats up and ignites surrounding materials. Regular inspections by professional electricians can identify and rectify potential fire hazards, such as:

  • Frayed or Damaged Wires: Over time, wires can become frayed or damaged due to wear and tear, pests, or physical damage. These compromised wires can easily spark and start a fire.
  • Overloaded Circuits: Plugging too many devices into a single circuit can cause overheating, leading to electrical fires. Inspections can help identify circuits at risk of overloading and recommend appropriate solutions.
  • Improper Installations: DIY electrical work or improper installations can lead to serious safety issues. Professional inspections ensure that all wiring and components meet safety standards and are correctly installed.

Electric Shocks

Another serious risk of neglected electrical inspections is the potential for electric shocks. Damaged or exposed wiring poses a significant hazard, especially in homes with children or pets. Electric shocks can cause severe injuries and, in extreme cases, can be fatal. Regular electrical inspections can help prevent electric shocks by identifying and addressing issues such as:

  • Exposed Wires: Wires that have become exposed due to damage or wear pose an immediate risk of shock. Professional electricians can safely repair or replace these wires.
  • Faulty Outlets and Switches: Outlets and switches that are damaged or improperly installed can cause electric shocks when touched. Inspections ensure these components are safe and functioning correctly.
  • Grounding Issues: Proper grounding is essential for electrical safety. Inspections can detect grounding issues that could lead to electric shocks or other electrical problems.

Power Outages

Neglecting electrical inspections can also lead to frequent power outages, disrupting your daily life and business operations.You can prevent this with Back up Generators.  Power outages can be caused by a variety of wiring issues, including overloaded circuits, damaged wiring, or faulty electrical components. Regular inspections help ensure a reliable power supply by identifying and addressing:

  • Overloaded Circuits: Circuits that are frequently overloaded can trip breakers and cause power outages. Inspections can identify circuits at risk and recommend solutions to distribute electrical load more evenly.
  • Aging Wiring: Older wiring systems are more prone to wear and failure, leading to power outages. Inspections can assess the condition of your wiring and suggest upgrades if necessary.
  • Faulty Components: Electrical panels, breakers, and other components can fail over time, leading to power interruptions. Regular inspections can identify and replace faulty components before they cause outages.

Trust Hoffer Electric for Your Electrical Inspections

At Hoffer Electric, we understand the critical importance of regular electrical inspections in maintaining a safe and reliable electrical system. Our experienced electricians in Los Angeles are dedicated to providing comprehensive inspections that identify potential hazards and ensure your wiring is in top condition. Don’t wait until a problem arises—schedule an electrical inspection with Hoffer Electric today and protect your home or business from the dangers of neglected electrical wiring.

The Importance of Expert Electrical Wiring Inspections

Electrical wiring is the backbone of your home or business, ensuring that you have access to the power you need to keep your life running smoothly. However, like any other system, electrical wiring can deteriorate over time, and problems can arise that may not be immediately visible. That’s why it’s crucial to have your wiring regularly inspected by experts. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of professional electrical inspections and the potential dangers of neglecting this critical maintenance task.

Why Regular Electrical Inspections Are Essential

  1. Safety First: The primary reason for having your wiring checked by experts is safety. Faulty or outdated wiring can lead to electrical fires, shocks, and other hazardous situations. A professional inspection can identify potential problems before they become serious safety risks.
  2. Preventive Maintenance: Regular inspections can help detect issues such as frayed wires, loose connections, and overloaded circuits. By catching these problems early, you can avoid costly repairs and potential damage to your property.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Expert electricians can also help improve the energy efficiency of your electrical system. They can identify areas where you might be wasting energy and suggest upgrades that can save you money on your electricity bills.
  4. Compliance with Codes: Electrical codes and standards are constantly evolving. Regular inspections ensure that your wiring is up to date with the latest safety regulations, helping you avoid fines and legal issues.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your electrical system has been thoroughly inspected by professionals gives you peace of mind. You can rest assured that your home or business is safe and that you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect your investment.

The Dangers of Neglecting Electrical Inspections

  1. Electrical Fires: One of the most significant risks of neglected electrical wiring is the potential for electrical fires. Faulty wiring is a leading cause of house fires, and regular inspections can help prevent these dangerous situations.
  2. Electric Shocks: Damaged or exposed wiring can cause electric shocks, posing a serious risk to anyone who comes into contact with it. Professional electricians can identify and repair these hazards.
  3. Power Outages: Issues with your wiring can lead to frequent power outages, disrupting your daily life and business operations. Regular inspections can help ensure a reliable power supply.
  4. Expensive Repairs: Neglecting minor electrical issues can lead to more significant problems down the line, resulting in costly repairs. Regular maintenance can save you money by addressing issues before they escalate.
  5. Decreased Property Value: Poorly maintained electrical systems can decrease the value of your property. Potential buyers may be wary of purchasing a home or business with outdated or faulty wiring.Expert Electrical Wiring Inspections

Trust Hoffer Electric for Your Electrical Inspections

At Hoffer Electric, we understand the importance of having a safe and efficient electrical system. Our team of experienced electricians in Los Angeles is dedicated to providing top-notch electrical inspections and maintenance services. Whether you need a routine check-up or suspect an issue with your wiring, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule an inspection and ensure your property is safe and up to code.

Powering Your Commercial Space For Spring Success


Spring heralds a period of renewal and opportunity for commercial property owners and businesses across Los Angeles. With over four decades of steadfast service in the electrical industry, Hoffer Electric stands as your premier commercial electrician in Los Angeles, ready to power your business into a prosperous spring season. 

With the change in season comes the promise of increased foot traffic, refreshed consumer interest, and the potential for business growth. Ensuring your electrical systems are robust, efficient, and ready to meet these seasonal demands is crucial for any thriving entity. 

Outdoor Spaces: Luminate and Capitalize

Spring gives us longer days and warmer nights, inviting customers to delight in outdoor dining areas, patios, and sidewalk seating. Now is the perfect time to reassess your outdoor space’s electrical needs. Upgraded lighting solutions not only enhance ambiance but can also attract more customers to your premises.

Attract more customers with inviting outdoor spaces! Upgraded lighting for patios and walkways not only enhances ambiance but can also significantly boost foot traffic. 

Brighten Up Your Business This Spring Withhoffer Electric

In addition, vibrant and visible signage is crucial in drawing in passersby. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your existing signs or carry out essential repairs, a reliable commercial electrician in Los Angeles is vital to ensuring your business gets noticed.

HVAC Prep: Stay Cool, Stay Productive

With the arrival of spring, it’s imperative to prepare your HVAC system to handle the upcoming warm weather. Preventative maintenance and inspections are essential to confirm the reliability of HVAC electrical components and prevent any unforeseen breakdowns during the first heatwave of the season.

“Don’t let a faulty HVAC system derail your spring sales. Hoffer Electric’s preventative maintenance can identify potential issues in your system’s electrical components, ensuring smooth operation when you need it most.”

Efficiency Analysis: Save Energy, Increase Profit

Seasonal changes bring opportunities to reassess your energy use. Consider how lighting adjustments or smart control installations might save money on your energy bills. LED upgrades could be the key to longer, brighter hours without the increased cost.

Reduce overhead costs while brightening your business! Inquire about the latest energy-saving lighting solutions – LED upgrades and smart controls with Hoffer Electric can dramatically impact your bottom line.

Special Events/Promotions: Electrify Your Occasions

The proper electrical configurations are crucial for businesses planning special events, seasonal displays, or promotional pop-ups. It may involve providing temporary lighting, sound systems, or vendor hookups, all within safe and efficient parameters.

Planning a spring promotion or pop-up event? Hoffer Electric can supply the electrical support you need for temporary lighting, vendor hookups, and more, ensuring your event’s success.

The Leading Commercial Electrician in Los Angeles: Hoffer Electric

At Hoffer Electric, we understand the unique electrical requirements of commercial properties and are equipped to offer services that encompass residential wiring, commercial office buildings, retail centers, and tenant improvements. Our vast experience and commitment to excellence have made us a go-to commercial electrician in Los Angeles for countless satisfied customers.

This spring, energize your commercial space with the advanced and dependable electrical services of Hoffer Electric. Don’t wait for the onset of seasonal changes to test your systems; instead, be proactive. Contact Hoffer Electric today to ensure your commercial property is ready to meet the bustling demands of spring with confidence.

Spring Cleaning For Your Electrical System: A Los Angeles Electrician’s Guide

Spring is a time for new beginnings, and many people use this time to do some spring cleaning. While cleaning, it’s a good idea to consider upgrading your home’s electrical system for safety and efficiency. For over four decades, Hoffer Electric has been powering homes and businesses as the best electrician in Los Angeles. Whether you’re a homeowner, real estate agent, or local business owner, our team is equipped to optimize your electrical systems for the upcoming season.


Outdoor Lighting Enhancements

With the sun setting later and the evenings growing warmer, there’s no better time to revamp your outdoor lighting. A well-lit landscape enhances the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space and can also increase your property’s value.

  • Add Aesthetic Appeal: Illuminate pathways, highlight landscaping, and create inviting patios for your spring and summer gatherings.
  • Safety and Security: Good lighting acts as a deterrent to trespassers and helps prevent accidents on poorly lit walkways.

From motion sensor lights to energy-efficient LED fixtures, Hoffer Electric provides a wide range of outdoor lighting solutions to suit your needs and lifestyle.


Stay Cool With Ceiling Fan Installations

Los Angeles can get pretty warm as spring progresses. Installing ceiling fans can help circulate air, keeping rooms cooler and more comfortable while reducing the need for costly air conditioning.

  • Slash Energy Costs: Ceiling fans consume far less energy than AC units, lowering your utility bills.
  • Stylish and Functional: Modern ceiling fans come in various designs that can complement the interior decor.

Let the experienced electricians at Hoffer Electric help you pick and install the perfect ceiling fans for your home.


Surge Protection For The Seasonal Storms

Spring storms can cause unexpected power surges that may damage your electronics and appliances. Protect your investments with proper surge protection.

  • Whole-Home Surge Protectors: A single installation offers a safeguard for all your home’s electrical devices.
  • Individual Surge Suppressors: We recommend additional surge protection at the outlet for sensitive electronics and appliances.

We’ll help you choose the best options to protect your home against transient voltage and power surges.


Wiring And Panel Safety Inspection

Springtime also inspires a slew of DIY projects, which might involve dealing with your home’s wiring. Before you start knocking down walls or installing new fixtures, it’s crucial to check that your electrical panel is up to code and that your wiring is safe.

  • Prevent Hazards: Outdated wiring or overloaded panels can pose significant fire risks.
  • Assured Compliance: Our licensed electricians will inspect your wiring and electrical panels, ensuring your DIY efforts are safe and compliant with current regulations.

Hoffer Electric: Your Reliable Electrician In Los Angeles 

Usher in the fresh spirit of spring by ensuring your electrical systems are functional, efficient, and safe. Hoffer Electric’s team of skilled electricians in Los Angeles stands ready to assist with all your spring electrical upgrades. Homeowners, office managers, and property managers—don’t wait for electrical issues to become emergencies. 


Get ahead of the spring season and schedule your electrical maintenance check today. We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction and our vast array of residential and commercial electrical services. 


Contact Hoffer Electric, your trusted electrician in Los Angeles, and experience a world of difference in your electrical service needs.

Powering Your Commercial Space For Spring Success

Spring heralds a period of renewal and opportunity for commercial property owners and businesses across Los Angeles. With over four decades of steadfast service in the electrical industry, Hoffer Electric stands as your premier commercial electrician in Los Angeles, ready to power your business into a prosperous spring season. 

With the change in season comes the promise of increased foot traffic, refreshed consumer interest, and the potential for business growth. Ensuring your electrical systems are robust, efficient, and ready to meet these seasonal demands is crucial for any thriving entity. 

Outdoor Spaces: Luminate and Capitalize

Spring gives us longer days and warmer nights, inviting customers to delight in outdoor dining areas, patios, and sidewalk seating. Now is the perfect time to reassess your outdoor space’s electrical needs. Upgraded lighting solutions not only enhance ambiance but can also attract more customers to your premises.

Attract more customers with inviting outdoor spaces! Upgraded lighting for patios and walkways not only enhances ambiance but can also significantly boost foot traffic. 

Brighten Up Your Business This Spring Withhoffer Electric

In addition, vibrant and visible signage is crucial in drawing in passersby. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your existing signs or carry out essential repairs, a reliable commercial electrician in Los Angeles is vital to ensuring your business gets noticed.

HVAC Prep: Stay Cool, Stay Productive

With the arrival of spring, it’s imperative to prepare your HVAC system to handle the upcoming warm weather. Preventative maintenance and inspections are essential to confirm the reliability of HVAC electrical components and prevent any unforeseen breakdowns during the first heatwave of the season.

“Don’t let a faulty HVAC system derail your spring sales. Hoffer Electric’s preventative maintenance can identify potential issues in your system’s electrical components, ensuring smooth operation when you need it most.”

Efficiency Analysis: Save Energy, Increase Profit

Seasonal changes bring opportunities to reassess your energy use. Consider how lighting adjustments or smart control installations might save money on your energy bills. LED upgrades could be the key to longer, brighter hours without the increased cost.

Reduce overhead costs while brightening your business! Inquire about the latest energy-saving lighting solutions – LED upgrades and smart controls with Hoffer Electric can dramatically impact your bottom line.

Special Events/Promotions: Electrify Your Occasions

The proper electrical configurations are crucial for businesses planning special events, seasonal displays, or promotional pop-ups. It may involve providing temporary lighting, sound systems, or vendor hookups, all within safe and efficient parameters.

Planning a spring promotion or pop-up event? Hoffer Electric can supply the electrical support you need for temporary lighting, vendor hookups, and more, ensuring your event’s success.

The Leading Commercial Electrician in Los Angeles: Hoffer Electric

At Hoffer Electric, we understand the unique electrical requirements of commercial properties and are equipped to offer services that encompass residential wiring, commercial office buildings, retail centers, and tenant improvements. Our vast experience and commitment to excellence have made us a go-to commercial electrician in Los Angeles for countless satisfied customers.

This spring, energize your commercial space with the advanced and dependable electrical services of Hoffer Electric. Don’t wait for the onset of seasonal changes to test your systems; instead, be proactive. Contact Hoffer Electric today to ensure your commercial property is ready to meet the bustling demands of spring with confidence.

How To Save Money by Choosing the Right Electrical Contractor Woodland Hills

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There are many things to consider when looking for an excellent electrical contractor in Woodland Hills. You want someone who will do the job right, and you want to ensure they will only charge you for their services. But if you want to save money on your electrical project, there are some things that you can do to make sure the contractor is getting paid fairly. Here are five ways how to save money by choosing the Right electrical contractor in woodland hills:

Get Multiple Quotes

If you’re considering having any work done to your home, you’ve heard that it’s always a good idea to get at least two or three quotes before choosing the right electrical contractor in Woodland Hills to go with. But have you ever wondered why? This is some good advice! It’s essential to make sure that you always get at least two or three quotes because even though you may think that the first quote you get is going to be low-priced, there’s no way of knowing for sure if this is true until you also hear what other companies are willing to do the job for. When it comes to electrical contracting, one of the most important things when looking at a quote is how much they will charge and what they will need from you to do their work.

Ask For References for an Electrical Contractor Woodland Hills

When you’re looking for an electrical contractor to help with your project, find out if they have any references. References are a great way to check out the quality of work that someone can do. When you speak to the people who have worked with them previously, you can also find out if they were responsive and prompt about getting the job done in time.

If an electrical contractor in Woodland Hills has references, call them and talk to them about their experience working with the person you’re considering hiring. You can get even more information by looking at the websites of some of their past clients and reading reviews on things like Yelp or Angie’s List. 

Look At Online Reviews

It’s often said that a business is only as good as its last job, which means you should make sure any contractor you use has a solid reputation in your community. If a company has been in business for years, it can be easy to forget that online reviews are one of the best tools to help you assess the quality of their work.

Don’t just look at their overall rating on Yelp or Angie’s List; you want to see what customers have said about their experience with the contractor. What is the best way to do this? Please spend some time reading reviews from past clients and seeing what stood out to them. Reviews will give your insight into how transparent the company is about pricing and services.

Know What You Need Before You Call a Contractor

The first step to saving money when hiring an electrical contractor is to do your homework and know exactly what you need before you start calling around. This will eliminate many of the back-and-forths that can happen when you call a contractor without a clear picture. If you’re building something from scratch, be sure to have your plans drawn up by an architect or engineer. If you’re remodeling, get the necessary permits and approvals before calling a contractor.

Electrical Contractor Woodland Hills

Get A Written Estimate

A written estimate is the only way to know precisely what the job will cost. You need to get a written estimate to avoid being hit with unexpected fees and expenses at the end of the project. A written estimate should include all parts of the job and the materials that the contractor will use to do the job.

It should also include an itemized list of labor, time, and expenses that’s been used to create this final price. It’s essential to have an accurate quote from a licensed electrical contractor to ensure everything is done correctly. This can mean the difference between having working lights when it’s time to flip the switch or not being able to flip it if there’s something wrong with your wiring.

When dealing with electrical issues, you need a highly qualified team. We offer a wide range of services at Hoffer Electric, from minor repairs to adding new wiring to your home or business. We help make your home a safe and efficient place to live. We’re proud to be one of the best electrical contractors in the Los Angeles area. With our skilled team, we bring together years of experience and the latest technology to ensure that your electrical needs are fulfilled. We’ll ensure you get the most out of your electricity use by installing more efficient appliances and fixtures. Contact us today for more information about our electrical services.  

Local Tricks for Working with an Electricians in West Los Angeles

Electricians in West Los Angeles

Working electricians in West Los Angeles often need to install or repair new wiring. It’s easy to find an electrician that can provide you with the type of service you’re looking for. However, a few things make working with an electrician easier and more efficient. Here are six local tricks for working with an electrician in West Los Angeles:

Use of the Right Tool for the Job

Checking that a hammer is not brought to an electrical job seems silly, especially if it has nails sticking out of it. But it is better to leave the hammer at home altogether and use various hand tools. These include screwdrivers (flat and Phillips), pliers, and wire cutters. He or she can also use electrical tape when working on circuit boards or other small parts that are hard to reach with just the hands.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Electricians in West Los Angeles Questions

When the job is taking place, ask questions about how something works or what it does. The more experienced electricians will be happy to help you with your questions and answer them as quickly as possible so that you understand what needs to be done next, in case you can do it yourself. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to call the company that you hired and ask if they could explain to you what you need to know, because the assigned worker failed to do it. 

Know Your Rights

Electricians generally have the right to enter your house, but if you don’t want them there, they can’t force you to let them in. The law says that they can’t just go in if they have yet to receive permission or you aren’t home. However, some cities have laws that give electricians specific rights in your home. For example, in Los Angeles, electricians have the right to enter your house without your permission if they’re working on an electrical appliance tampered with by you or someone else. If you need to find out whether they can come into your home without asking, ask them to bring their manager along. If the manager says yes and you still don’t want them inside when they arrive (or even just hanging around outside), tell them so directly and loudly enough that they hear it from outside the door or window. You don’t have to be rude about it — just be clear and direct about what you expect from them as a customer or homeowner.

Must-Have Insurance Coverage

Working electricians in West Los Angeles must have the right insurance coverage. Many different insurance policies can be purchased to protect that type of business correctly. The worker should always ensure that they have adequate coverage for the type of work they do. If there is an accident on the job site, all employees will also need to be covered. Workers can also purchase additional liability insurance for their employees if they are injured during work hours.

Document The Work in Advance

Document the projects in advance by writing down what you need to have done. You can use this information later as a reference to check for Electricians in West Los Angeles work. If you need to figure out how much time it will take to complete a specific task, ask and write down how long it should take. This way, if something unexpected happens during the work, you’ll have plenty of information when figuring out how much more work still needs to be done.

Electricians in West Los Angeles

Know Your Customer’s Requirements

Once you have documented the work that needs to be done, it’s time to present your requirements. This is especially important when you are on a tight deadline and need the electrician to complete the project quickly. If this is the case, your first step should be to ask how much time each activity takes. In general, there are two ways of doing this: firstly, asking questions about what needs to be completed, and secondly, roughly guessing if anything unexpected could be happening, or if some new materials could be needed.

Hoffer Electric is a full-service electrician. We offer electrical services to West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and the surrounding areas. Call us today for more information. We are specialists in residential, commercial, and industrial electrical work. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality electrical services at an affordable price. Our electricians in West Los Angeles are licensed, bonded, and insured so that you can rest assured that your electrical system will be safe from damage or fire hazards when we leave your property. You can trust Hoffer Electric to take care of any project large or small!

Finding a Good Commercial Electrician in West Hills for Your Business

Whether you are just starting out with a new business or you have been at your current location for several years, you know that as a business owner your storefront, restaurant, or office needs to be a place where customers and clients feel welcome. This means you need to keep up with the everything about the atmosphere and be able to do your job well. Your electricity is an integral part of all this, and when things start to go wrong, it can have a negative effect on your business. Finding a good commercial electrician in West Hills for your business is crucial to you so you can keep business moving and have your place at its best.

Finding a Good Commercial Electrician in West Hills for Your Business

Always Check the License of an Electrician

You never want to hire anyone to do electrical work for you that is not properly licensed by the state to do the work. An unlicensed person can leave you at risk of having faulty electrical work done that can be a hazard to your business, property, employees, and customers. You may end up with electrical workings that are not up to code, putting you at risk if an accident occurs and putting you in violation of the law. Always check for a license number when searching for an electrician and shy away from anyone reluctant to provide it to you.

Go with a Recommended Electrician

An excellent way to find a commercial electrician in West Hills is to go with a service that is recommended by other business owners in the area. Talk to local business owners like yourself and see who they have used for their electrical work. You will find that a service that gets mentioned frequently and with high regard is one that you want to contact and bring in to help you out when you need work done.

A Commercial Electrician to Help You

At Hoffer Electric, we can be the commercial electrician in West Hills that can assist you with all your electrical needs. We have worked with thousands of residential and commercial customers in the area over the years and have the experience you want on your side to make sure your electrical workings are at their best. Give us a call at (323) 922-5205 to schedule a service call with us so we can see what work you need to be done and give you a free estimate so you can see how affordable our services can be for you.

Your Local Commercial Electrician in Santa Monica Helps Improve Your Business

No matter what type of business you own, having the best electrical systems at your location can have a significant impact on your business and your customers. The last thing you want is customers leaving your restaurant or bar because the lighting is so poor or losing customers because your phone systems are unreliable or you constantly have power issues that disrupt your ability to fill orders. To make sure that you have the best systems to keep your business running smoothly and successfully, you want the help of a local commercial electrician in Santa Monica like us at Hoffer Electric.

Your Local Commercial Electrician in Santa Monica Helps Improve Your Business

The Right Commercial Electrical Infrastructure

Having a quality electrical infrastructure is essential to your business. You need to know that you have the support you need to do your job well, whether it is running appliances to cook meals, operating cash registers, or having office equipment or machines critical to your processes. Hiring an electrician with commercial experience can help you make sure you have the infrastructure necessary to provide proper power in all the areas you need without the fear of shorts or outages all the time. With everything running well, you can keep your business moving ahead.

Lighting from a Commercial Electrician

The lighting you have in your office, store or other business can have a big impact on the satisfaction of your customers and the capability of your employees. Hiring a commercial electrician in Santa Monica like us at Hoffer Electric can help ensure that you have the lighting that works best for your needs and setting. You can have lighting that allows your employees to work comfortably without eye strain, or that sets the right mood and atmosphere for your customers, so they feel happy, at ease, and welcome.

A Commercial Electrician to Meet Your Needs

At Hoffer Electric, we are the commercial electrician in Santa Monica that can help give your business just the boost you need. Look at the various services we have listed here on our website to see what we can do for you, and then call us at (323) 922-5205 to speak with our office and arrange for a consultation with one of our experienced electricians. We can meet with you and discuss your needs, provide you with options, and perform quality work for you that will make the impact on your business that you want.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Hiring an Electrical Contractor in Westwood

Knowing you need help with an electrical project in your existing home or in a home you are having built is one thing; finding the right person to do the work for you can be something completely different. We all want to make sure you have someone of quality doing good work for us, but how are you to know the person you select is truly the best person for the job? The only way for you to make sure today is to do your homework and know what to look for. Following a few simple suggestions can help you to better understand how to go about hiring an electrical contractor in Westwood that you can rely on.

Do Choose a Contractor That Responds Well

With all the contractor listings on the Internet, you may find yourself making lots of phone calls or sending email messages to find out about services. You may also find several of these contractors that are lax in responding or in customer service. You do not want to wait around for days on end, hoping for contractors to call you back or contact you. Even worse, you don’t want to make appointments with someone that never shows up. Look at contractors that give you immediate response and are courteous and respectful to you and of your time.

Electrical Contractor in Westwood

Don’t Choose an Unlicensed or Uninsured Contractor

The electrical contractor in Westwood that you ultimately select must be someone that is properly licensed and insured. Anyone that cannot provide you with their license number or proof of insurance should come off your list of those you are considering. There are too many risks involved if you hire someone that offers you a cheap rate because they do not have proper insurance. You want someone that does work by the book, follows local codes and gets proper permits.

One Contractor in Westwood to Call

To assure you get an electrical contractor in Westwood that will do the best job for you whether it is large or small, call us at Hoffer Electric. We always put the needs of our residential and commercial customers first, so you will always get a quick response and reliable work at a fair rate from us. Phone our office at (323) 922-5205 to speak with us and set up a meeting so we can discuss the electrical work you need to be done as well as how we can help you.