Don’t Do it Yourself When You Can Hire a Certified Electrician

Would you take a tooth that hurts out yourself? No? Then why would you mess with electric work when you can hire a certified electrician from an electric company in Los Angeles area to do everything for you? Many people get seriously injured every year just because they’ve messed with wiring or appliances by themselves. […]

5 Ways to Prevent Electrical Fires and Subsequent Repairs

Electrical fires are some of the most dangerous things that can happen to your home. On a yearly basis, they result in more than $1.3 billion in damage to people’s property. Contrary to popular belief, there is a lot you can do to prevent electrical fires and reduce the risk of damage to your home. […]

Installation for Tesla Home Charging Station by Hoffer Electric

With the popularity of Tesla and other electric cars, it is no wonder that there is an increasing demand for the installation for Tesla Home charging station. At Hoffer Electric, we receive dozens of inquiries about it every week. Home Car Charger If you own a Tesla, you should consider installing a charging station in […]

Call Qualified Commercial Electrician in Tarzana for Guaranteed Electrical Work

You can call your father or brother to perform electrical tasks in your office. But does your brother have a license to do it? Is your father a well-trained electrician? If you answer no, then it is necessary for you to call a qualified commercial electrician in Tarzana. It is true that you can save […]

Electric Company in Los Angeles Explains How the Popularity of Sustainable Energy Affects the Industry

Hoffer Electric, an electric company in Los Angeles, believes that there is an increasing popularity in sustainable energy. This is because of the opportunity to challenge systems, as well as installations of high technology, have created an environment to do so. The clean energy economy offers a huge opportunity for many electricians. This industry tackles […]

A Guide to Finding a Suitable Commercial Electrician in Tarzana

Commercial businesses need power to operate, from tills and machinery to security cameras and lighting. Most modern businesses also require computer access and other modern tools that will allow them to operate and compete with their rivals. When you need electrical work, it is essential that it is done quickly and professionally, and that you […]

How to Find an Electrical Contractor in Calabasas

When you have a big electoral project that will need a lot of work, you should start looking as soon as possible an experienced electrical contractor in Calabasas. Rather than relying upon international companies or big businesses, it makes sense to search for a trustworthy contractor in the local area who is able to provide […]

Avoid Trouble with a Trustworthy Electrician in Sherman Oaks

Discovering an issue with your electricity can be the beginning of a serious problem for your home. Weakened electrical circuits can pose a serious fire risk, and they may also result in problems with electrical supply around your property. In order to correct these issues at the first sign of a problem, we recommend that […]

Finish Your Building Project with an Electrical Contractor in Santa Monica

When you come to the final stages of your building project and are considering the electrical circuitry of the property, finding the right Electrical contractor near Santa Monica is essential. You will want to ensure that you have someone who is qualified and experienced and can do a good job for you. Taking the time […]

Take Steps to Find the Ideal Electrical Contractor in Northridge

Whenever you have serious renovations conducted on your property, from constructing a granny annex or building an extension, to adding a new commercial building to your business premises, you need the help of a specialist electrical contractor. Companies like Hoffer Electric, operating in greater Los Angeles since the 1960s, are able to provide you with […]